Back "home"

Skipped a few days as I was in transit; now back in Vancouver in my garden feeling refreshed from a month away. Still time to catch up slowly with 'chores' like tending to weeds, watering thirsty plants, cutting a bouquet of sweet pea flowers and awaiting the impending harvest of green grapes from outside my back door. The temperature is as perfect as I could hope - lovely sunshine pouring down, without being overly hot or humid. I miss Halifax already, tho' and am already plotting my return! I'll round up a couple of students for mid-August before school starts again and may make a trip to my office to re-arrange books and furniture, etc. before September 1. Now I must plan for one daughter's birthday followed by her return to Toronto to attend law school, and then prepare for the arrival of daughter number 2 in a couple of weeks. She'll only be here for two weeks or so before returning to Queen's U. in Kingston. Daughter number three remains here at UBC. I've uploaded all my summer photos and now just have to learn how to attach to this blog. Here goes!


  1. What a nice surprise, I was just headed for bead and thought I would check and voila! a post from you:) Where is this yacht club? Great summery pic:)

  2. Looking forward to those pics.Some of us have to content ourselves with living vicariously through others for the moment to satisfy our wanderlustnot to mention home-sickness for the tides of the east coast. Should have snet you into Fundy to my "secret" waterfall,had I known oyu were so close at Hopewell rocks. My old stompin' grounds.

    Remind me to tell you about the "great Riverside Albert Caper" of '83.



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