
Well, back to the road trip.  After leaving West Vancouver we made it to North Bend, Washington where we checked into a Motel for the night.  The next day, Friday, July 22 found us wending our way through fairly dull countryside toward Spokane. We crossed into Idaho, passed by Coeur d'Alene and stopped in Wallace.  What a lovely little town!
I wanted to stop for a bite at The Smokehouse below, but was convinced to push on.  I'm sure it would have been an interesting experience.


          Carrying on, we headed up through Lookout Pass and stopped to look back at the view.

These are not real horses, but a large sculpture on a nearby ridge. The pass is listed at 4,680 ft. and marks the divide between Idaho and Montana.
An hour and a half later we pulled into a Motel 6 in Missoula, around 8 pm, got sandwiches at Subway and ate in the room.
Next, Butte.


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