Ironing. Such a satisfying endeavour if one doesn't have to do it everyday. I found some old handkerchiefs and washed them and hung them to dry outside on my patio. Quite a pretty picture among the hydrangeas and greenery of the garden backdrop. I'm in the process of ironing them and thought I'd borrow an idea I noticed at a second hand store on Queen St. in Halifax last month. The proprietress had stitched several hankies together to make whimsical window coverings - letting in diffuse light, while providing a soft screen to the outside. My next step is to lay them all out on my kitchen table and piece them together in a way that speaks to me. Actually, my next step will be to clear off my kitchen table... but the iron awaits. My Mum always said she found ironing to be enjoyable, so perhaps there's more of her in me that I realized.
