My lilac in bloom

How did it get to be Friday already? It seems as if I just came back from vacation a few days ago, but it's actually been two weeks. I've been very diligently chipping away at all the chores I have had on my "list" for aeons; things like sewing on buttons and letting down the hem on trousers that seem to have shrunk, all the hand-washing that gets saved up in an obscure pile until it can't be overlooked anymore, writing letters and mailing parcels to clear the myriad piles I've saved of 'things of interest' to send to family and/or friends, the weeding and reaping from the garden, which of course is ongoing, and the annual frenzy of furniture re-arranging that always seems to strike me unawares. As long as I have a glass of wine and some good music or a not-so-gripping tv program to distract me - I can get quite a bit done in a short amount of time. Because I removed two bookcases from the kitchen and repositioned them in my office at school, I now have a big empty space left. I'll have to figure something out for where to put all the supplies and files for those students I'll be continuing with in the evenings. A problem for later. The one chore I have been best at avoiding is scrubbing out the shower stall. No other social engagements for the weekend have appeared so it seems I have run out of excuses. Still, I hear the garden calling me again...Time to fling open the doors and windows, cut some more sweet peas to perfume up the indoors and water the thirsty tomatoes. Life's too short to worry about clean shower stalls, right? At least I sucked up lots of spiderwebs while using my forlorn vacuum yesterday so I can feel somewhat virtuous. Too bad vacuuming is so hard on the back - it could be a lot more fun,....well maybe not.
