This is a view from McNab's Island looking toward Halifax on a summer evening last month. Serendipity led me there with a group of hardy souls who camped out overnight on the beach. In all the years I lived in Halifax, I had never been to Mcab's. It was a memorable experience.
Serendipity, according to Merriam Webster, is "the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for". What a desirable concept; at once both enticing yet unattainable by design. True serendipity is blessed upon us, not something we can seek out like an item on a grocery list. I believe serendipitous moments in our daily lives promote salient memories in the circuits of our brains. They might explain why we dream about certain things that upon waking seem quite bizarre, but upon closer inspection, reveal a connection to an event during the day that had a 'serendipity' factor. ......... Just my neuroscience musings on a summer afternoon.
