This photo was taken of the Hopewell Rocks in NB. on the Fundy coast at low tide a couple of weeks ago. Strange formations formed over thousands of years -- I wonder how much longer they'll remain standing?

Back on Pacific time again. The Harmony Arts Festival is running through the weekend, so I'll stop by later to see the crafts for sale on the waterfront. Bought some touch up paint for a scrape on my car - who knew there were these little tubes of perfectly matched paint that one can use to do the work oneself? Refilled the propane tanks so now both my BBQ and heat lamp will work at the same time should I feel like late night dining. A friend took me to brunch and let me drive his (new-to-him) '97 Mercedes! Last week I drove a '57 MGA and an'08 Prius. Still, I'm content with my little Honda Fit. Off to buy paints to try my hand at another picture - my first attempt while in Halifax was so rewarding....who knows, maybe I have yet another career ahead of me?!


  1. I didn't realize that you'd gone to see Hopewell Rocks! They are so cool.
    I hope you take a pic of your latest painting:)
    Enjoy the Arts Festival maybe you will get some inspiration:)


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