Yesterday a friend invited me to attend a concert at Ambleside Park down by the beach here in West Vancouver to hear Sarah McLaughlin, Cheryl Crow and Neil Young. It was fabulous. There were other musicians who played earlier in the day including the Canadian Tenors and a choir from the downtown Eastside. One of Sarah's pet project's has been to bring music programs to underprivileged schools in Vancouver. I think the program is in its eighth year. Of late all schools have suffered with government funding cutbacks to extracurricular activities, so its a very worthwhile cause, which will continue to grow. The performances ranged from laid back to energetic to very touching. We all streamed out peacefully just before 11 pm humming tunes we'd heard there. I can't imagine a world without music!
I survived the first week of school - should be a good year, although this year I have all boys, no girls. Nevermind. Two guys are in Grade 11, so I'll have them for two years until they graduate. I also have taken on a few students after school to bring in some extra funds ----have to save to travel East again next summer! But now the garden calls...


  1. What a concert! I would have loved to go to that:) Sounds like a a busy year for you.


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