Here we are; a new month...ready for what life brings us. Why is it that we constantly search for new beginnings? Is it that if we disappoint ourselves or others we wish to try again, and the number 'one' signifies starting anew? Why else do persons put so much stock in January 1st or September 1st? A new calendar year? A new school year? A birthday? Each month I look to begin something, but never am able to elucidate what exactly it is. Is it because I moved so many times growing up? Each new address brought a freshness, a new skein to unravel and twist into another chapter, but perhaps allowed no closure from the previous tangled web I had woven. So here I am exploring another month's onset as the first day's light begins to dwindle - made more intensive with the clocks' return to winter settings. I ought to be accepting and appreciating what today has brought rather than wondering which path I should have chosen.
