Spring Cleaning!
More good than bad, I guess...It's easy to do when it's so mild outside and I can have the doors and windows open. One of the perks of winter in Vancouver! I HAD to defrost the freezer; it was impossible to fit anything in it anymore. One of the drawbacks to renting an apartment and having a small, old fridge. Oh well, the rent is very affordable and the location is a little bit of paradise, so it all evens out in the end. The last few weeks I've been emptying out boxes, which haven't been opened in years. I thought when I moved in here that I'd be here only a few months, a year at the most. Now, seven years later, I've resolved myself that there is no handsome rich prince that will ride along and rescue me and I'll likely be here for many more years to come. So, in the spirit of re-evaluating my perspective, I've decided to give away much of what I don't use or need. I'm stepping off the materialistic train; giving up on my dream to have my own little piece of property, where I can hang my favourite pictures on the wall and display treasures that my children have given me over the years. How many possessions does a person need after all? Books? If I've read and enjoyed them, why not pass them on? What good are 'nice' dishes if I never entertain. Better let someone else make better use of them. I can live as simply as I choose and be rid of 'clutter'. Memories are intangible. I don't need to have items around me in order to live with the thoughts that filter through the daily maelstrom of humdrum existence. I've decided that living minimally and with grace will be my new goal.
Hence the recent cathartic cleansing efforts for both my surroundings and my spirit.
Health and happiness to all in this new year, and may you never have to defrost your own freezer!


  1. Ha, my freezer needs it BIG TIME! We are still in the grip of winter. Spring cleaning sounds like a holiday:) Use those "nice" dishes for yourself:)
    I'm still on my fitness wagon:) 8.5 pounds gone so far, lots more to go.


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