I curled up early last night with a book, and listened as the phone went to record a message. It went something like this: "Hello, this is Shaw cable calling to let you know that your modem is about to be declared out of date. You may take your old modem in to our office at such and such an address and be upgraded (oddly enough, no price was mentioned). So, you have until Friday to do so because your old system will be disconnected. Thank you. "
Did I mention that this was Thursday night about 8:20 pm? Who do these people think they are? Better yet, who do they think their customers are? Do none of us have jobs? previous engagements? scheduling disabilities?
So I came home early today, but immediately became engrossed in chores, which had peculiarly built up over the week. When I finally remembered about the modem, it was past closing time. In Vancouver - closing time for many is noon on Friday. How much do you want to bet Shaw is not conveniently open on a Saturday? However, in the odd world of 'the right hand does not always know what the left hand is doing', my cable is still functioning. I am typing away while listening to someone's decorating woes on WTN until "Jeopardy" airs. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Fridays are generally very welcome at the school. We were doing testing much of this week, (an annual event), so time flew by. The weather was quite nice and I managed to last in sandals all day until the rain began about an hour ago, but I was safely ensconced at home by then. It's so hard to know what to put on one's feet at this time of the year. In the mornings, one needs a fleece jacket or raincoat with appropriate footwear and by late morning or early afternoon, the temperature has risen and the sun has made a sleepy appearance, so that by the time one traipses home it's while carting a carry-all containing said jacket and rain-boots or heavier shoes. What is most puzzling is that no one else seems to suffer from this encumbrance. Is it just me?
Oh well, there must be worse problems in life.
I'm off to a workshop tomorrow on anxiety. Not my choice. It's the one 'big' local conference held each year for the province's OG tutors. This year the speaker was changed about a month ago after I had already registered and paid. I think only 2 of us from the school are going, but the good news is I always learn something from these sessions. A few years ago, I sat next to Heather Redenbach who offered me the job I'm in now! So who knows.., maybe something wonderful will happen, although I won't hold my breath for anything on my wish list. (The number of men who attend is miniscule).
Instead, I leave you with another wish: May multitudes of spring blossoms percolate through your garden and delight you with their beauty and scent!!
