If I wrote horoscopes I might have written something like this for my sign this month.
"You will reconnect with an unusual number of persons from your past. Friendships you thought were lost will be re-ignited. The summer break from work will allow you to pursue a passion that has been on hold for some time. The bond you hold with your children will be strengthened. Good things are on the rise."

I sometimes wonder if there is an invisible power out there that helps wishes come true. I imagine that if there is, then it only requires that we listen in order for the results to be realized; something like looking at the glass as being half full rather than half empty.
This month, all my girls have been home at the same time. We've shared a few dinners and gone to a play under a tent during a beautiful summer evening, we've played backgammon, shopped and laughed. I surprised them with a bacon and egg breakfast one morning while I played hooky from work and we've managed to not get on each others' nerves. Jigsaw puzzles, books, and trading recipes have filled in some of the hours and even though they are away together at a Dude Ranch for the weekend and I know their tight friendship will foster new memories for them, I can share in the discussions upon their return and nestle into my pillow at night, comforted by their stories and adventures even though I was not with them.

I spoke to a girlfriend yesterday who is having a hard time with her daughter leaving home. For the first time they are living in separate apartments and even though they live about 10 blocks apart and speak on the phone all the time, it's been like an amputation for her. For so long it was just the two of them against the world and now her daughter has spread her wings and flown the coop. I shared my story, which one day I may share here, and she seemed to be able to put her situation in perspective. I guess the old tradition of 'when you feel sorry for yourself; think of someone worse off and your problems don't seem so bad after all' still holds true.

What I do want to share are some pictures from my patio - a lush oasis of calm and cool during the summer.
I hope you all have a similar sanctuary that gives you a respite from the daily stresses we plunge ourselves into without realizing it.
Just imagine a better life going forward from today. Don't you think that has a good ring to it?

In the words of Bonnie Raitt, "Don't it feel good to let yourself go...?"
