I'm back...

After a brutal start to the school year, I took a day off and traveled to Kingston to see my parents over the Thanksgiving weekend.  Going east, one loses almost a day, so it was a short visit, but worthwhile.  Every moment counts these days. It makes me wonder what will happen when my children get older.  It won't be as easy for them, having to choose between two separate households to visit when every holiday rolls around. To make matters worse, they may have to face a huge geographical distance as well.  Food for thought.....
On another vein, on my return flight, I happened to make eye contact with a fellow passenger as I made my way to my seat.  I recognized the actor, Steve Zahn, right away.  Look him up on imdb.com - you will likely have seen at least one of his movies.

Here are some pictures of the Fall colours in Ontario. 


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