The birds must know something

I sat here at my kitchen table earlier tonight tutoring an eager eight year old in the complexities of spending money and calculating change. Today seemed like a regular Wednesday; all seemed fairly well with the world, the students responded according to type, complete with moaning about being tired and staring off into whichever corner of my small office they thought would evade my alert and probing gaze.  Isn't it time that schools get with the program and declare that school should start at 10 am for teenagers and end when they get at least one concept for their efforts.  It seems that those in the know are the last to be involved in any decision making process.  That being said, by day's end, I managed the not-as-frantic-as-a-real-big-city drive home amid a slight drizzle.  I was pleased that I had had the foresight (and the enthusiasm) to pack some gym clothes and throw them in the back of the car when I left at 6:50 this morning, so felt some pressure to follow through. However, when I finished my circuit and stepped out again to head to my car for the short drive home, I was greeted with a heavier drizzle en route to full rain - and of course - had no raincoat or umbrella.  Not being one to complain about being wet, I nevertheless took the time to stop and pick up a set of hangers that a woman had dropped on her way into the nearby dry-cleaners.  By the time I passed the grocery store, I decided I had better stop now, rather that have to return later, and buy something for dinner and something to make lunches with for the balance of the week.  The parking Gods were again on my side, and I parked feet from the door, which meant I only had to dash between the drips plopping down from the awning.  Don't forget, I'm still in my sneakers,shorts and T-shirt. By the time I made it back to my car the rain had intensified and with minutes to spare, I pulled into my driveway at the same time as my student.  Only slightly embarrassed, I gathered said groceries, satchel, lunch bag and work clothes (now in my gym bag) and made my way to my apartment in the pouring rain, with student and Mum in tow.  In my defense, they were 4 minutes early!
Anyway, we got started, and after a few minutes we were pleasantly distracted by three brightly coloured birds at the feeder outside the kitchen window.  We were mesmerized and I immediately reached for my Audubon Field Guide, which I had referenced just yesterday.  The 'new' birds were identified as male American Goldfinches, a first for me here.  As we watched and did cursory math, more showed up, then one that looked a little paler, which I think must have been a female.  What I found most interesting was that the chickadees, who are pretty particular with whom they share the bird-feeder, had no issue with the newcomers. Even more surprising was that over the course of the next few minutes there appeared a flurry of species, including; Black-capped Chickadee, Rufous-sided Towhee, Oregon Junco, American goldfinch, and Black-headed Grosbeak!!
Looking out now at the deluge streaming directly downwards - the only thing missing is thunder - I wonder if the birds were frantically stocking up, somehow aware that the weather was deteriorating by the minute? 
Food for thought..,


  1. I love goldfinches:) Vancouver I'm sure must be home to lots of lovely species of birds! Nice to see this post!!!


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