The Adventure Has Begun

Although I have now arrived in Toronto, and still have additional traveling to do, I finally have reasonable Internet access and so will start to describe my 'big adventure', which began last week.
After 23 and a half years in Vancouver, (8 and a half in my last abode), I went through a ruthless purge; held two garage sales, (one in the rain), gave items to friends, took multiple trips to the Salvation Army and one to the dump, in order to rid myself of all unnecessary encumbrances.  I had no idea that I owned so much "Stuff"!  I have since taken a vow to never acquire anything else that I do not deem to be useful or beautiful, (to borrow from the words of William Morris).
The prompt for this catharsis, was a decision to take a year off from work in order to spend time with my aging parents in Kingston, Ontario.  I felt that things just came together, that the time was right, yadda, yadda, yadda.  Surprisingly, once I had the notion, it seemed as if it was pre-destined.  Friends and family have supported my decision and the school at which I am employed gave me a year's leave in order to accommodate my plans.
So here I am, one week, eight different beds, dozens of photos and over 5000 km later, in Ontario. 
I have decided that in order to make this missive digestible, I'll spread out my story and photos into manageable segments. Here, then, are a couple to start with.

This is my neighbourhood in West Vancouver that I left behind.

A view of the famous "Lions", near my home.  
