The long and winding road...

When I left Vancouver last Thursday afternoon, it was, as could have been predicted, with myriad emotions.
 Generally I felt as if I was off on a short holiday, driving out of town for some obscure reason; following familiar routes, passing familiar landmarks, pacing to familiar traffic patterns and engaging in familiar banter with my traveling companion. I was somewhat peeved that she insisted on hopping into the driver's seat in midtown traffic to take the first shift, but later when I cooled off, I realized she had done so with good intention as I must have appeared more stressed than I felt.  The previous two weeks had been physically and emotionally demanding, but were about to be left behind.

I shall miss harvesting my grapes this year and I wonder what the birds will think when their feeder,  emptied for the last time, refuses to yield further treats. I shall miss their various and delightful sing-songs to which I replied in my own fashion.

I shall miss walking the path to and from the gate, although I won't miss the slippery stairs at the bottom end!

I guess home is really where you lie your head at night and where you contemplate life when things around you slow down for a time. A place where memories are formed...

My home may change, but my memories remain.
