Continuing on..,

Where did I leave off?  Oh yes, I believe I had arrived in Kingston, (now two weeks ago).
Despite the mental preparation I underwent in anticipation of dealing with Ontario's summertime humidity, I was nevertheless rendered almost helpless as I succumbed to the high and humid temperature.  The first night spent in the abode that would be my home base for the year,  consisted of throwing a sheet across the top of the bed and flinging my supine body spread-eagled atop it, followed by an attempt to move as little as possible, while trying to drown out the persistent drone of the fan on the dresser and to position my head in such a way as to avoid the glare of an overhead light in an apartment opposite that leered at me from a curtain-less window.  "Is this paradise, or what?", I wondered to myself, trying to convince myself I had made the right decision to move east.  This all followed an event earlier in the evening which had me, in an attempt to cool off before retiring, entering the bathtub/shower gingerly with one foot and proceeding to slip and fall back onto the floor, smashing my right arm on a shelf and banging my head in the process.  The shower curtain and rod fell about me as I thrashed to extricate myself. What a welcome!

This photo is borrowed from a web page, and, although it would look better cropped, I haven't the wherewithal to do so at the moment.  Our apartment is the right half of the semi-detached house.; tiny but furnished well enough for three siblings to live in for a year. 

  On Sunday morning I arose early and after a cup of tea and some musings, wandered into town to see what might be open.  I popped into Pan Chancho's for a nibble and then, outside, noticed some volunteers manning traffic.  When I inquired, I was told the annual Kingston Triathlon had just begun and if I headed to the waterfront could see the swimmers arriving back from the first leg.  My sense of adventure still intact, I did so.  It's quite amazing how well trained the athletes are and how well timed the volunteers have to be to assist them switching from the swim section into the cycling phase then into the final run.  Here are some of the shots I captured:

I stood transfixed and became very emotional as I watched.  It turns out that anyone may register and can do only one third of the event,such as the swim portion or the bike portion.  Hmmm.  Food for thought for next year!!!
