It's a long story...

I realize that I've been in Kingston for almost five days and still haven't detailed my entire trip, so I will continue.

After leaving Missoula, Montana, we headed for Butte, and came upon an Evel Knieval celebration.  Apparently he was born here and each year, for about the last ten years, Butte pays him tribute with a special weekend.The city closes some streets and there are food vendors, gymnastic demos, rides, and lots of people wandering around.

We had a salad at a restaurant located in an old bank called The Metal.  This is the door to the safe, which had to be hauled into town by a team of a dozen horses.
Heading out of Butte, we got to Bozeman and Billings, then at 6pm pulled into Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, just in time to catch the last lecture of the day.  I didn't learn much in the way of American history growing up, so it was quite enlightening, although I couldn't keep all the different manouevers of the separate warring parties clear in my mind. The white markers in the photo are where men fell, but there are no bodies buried here.

Feeling very solemn, we drove across the border into Sheridan, Wyoming, where we bought a Subway sandwich each and ate a late dinner in our motel room. 
