Another world

It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks.
After visiting PEI, I returned to Kingston for just over a week before embarking on my voyage to Ireland. I've been walking everywhere and sleeping like a log - sometimes more than 12 hours a night!  What luxury to not have to rise to an alarm bell and scurry off in panic to a job.
This weekend I visited Cobh on Saturday and Kinsale on Sunday.
I'm glad we chose to approach Cobh by boat, as it's so scenic from that point of view.  In the harbour that day was the new Queen Elizabeth liner.  She's massive!
There are lots of colourful houses dotting the hillside at the top of which sits the Cathedral.  We stepped inside to take a look and found ourselves in the middle of a wedding ceremony!  Outside, the wind was so strong I'm sure it would have knocked small children over if they hadn't been holding on to someone. I noticed this structure at the side of the church - rather unique.., notice the tap at the bottom. I suppose if you can't wait until Sunday you can fill up during the week??

The White Star Line was the shipping company responsible for the Titanic, which left from Cobh on her ill-fated trip.  There is a museum here dedicated to the victims of the sinking and also to those who perished on the Lusitania during WW1.
