New tricks

A day or two without Internet access leaves me wondering if it is a good thing or not?  That said, I have a small window at the moment, so I won't wax on.

There is a Short Story Festival going on here at the moment, which I hope to attend.  The host hotel is withing walking distance and there are writers from Ireland, San Fransisco and Canada.
This building was used in the past as a "mental" institution supposedly, but in reality it was used to house many unfortunate folk who were orphans or homeless for one reason or another.  Even from a distance it's quite daunting.  Parts of it have now been restored into condominiums.

This is a view behind the large frontage.  The apartments on the left looked quite appealing, I thought. Oddly enough, most of the persons we asked couldn't put a name to the place - they just referred to it growing up as "The Mad House".
