Not there yet, but..,

Leaving tonight for Amsterdam, arriving around 8pm.  No pictures obviously but here's the hotel and the weather forecast.  It's pouring rain here - first real rain we've had since arrival, so can't complain.
Watch this space!


  1. Have a wonderful time in Amsterdam! Happy Birthday! I really love that city.xoxo

  2. Just found your comment. Not sure how I missed the connec!!OOps, just erased my long message.
    OK. I think I said something like technology and I were not meant to co-exist in the same century. Everytime my fingers fly along in touch typing mode a-la grade ten, I seem to press the wrong key and whoopla, there go my words out into the ethernet and I have to start all over again. Maybe I just need to slow down, or else accept that I'm not as savvy as I think I am.
    I've decided that I am now going backwards, so I am telling everyone that I am minus 47. See if you can figure that one out!
    Thank you for your kind thoughts. I miss you and Halifax both.


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