Amsterdam continued

Here are some more shots taken in Amsterdam to give you a flavour of the city.  This is the rear of the science centre called "Nemo".  The angle of the roofline mirrors the angle of the road tunneling underneath it to the other side of the canal.
This is one of a few bridges on the Amstel River that can open to let taller boats through. At night it's all lit up - you can see all the light bulbs if you look closely.

Years ago a man started collecting old tires and recyclables and built up a base for this houseboat - hidden off to the right. It's very eco-friendly. He planted shrubs and an area to encourage swans and ducks to live.  Unfortunately he died last year, but there is hope that the city will keep it going.

The corner of this building reminded me of some of the drawings of m.c. Escher. more information on this gifted Dutch graphic artist check here:
