Back in Ireland -

Well, Amsterdam really was so enjoyable.., I wish I'd had just one more day there, but everyday has been an adventure on this dream-of-a-lifetime escapade!
Here is a photo from the street, of the front of the Montenotte Hotel in which I am ensconced.

The apartments are at the rear - rather non-descript, but I did take a few shots out my bedroom window looking south and west, respectively.

It's hard to believe I've been back in Cork for more than a week now. I feel like I am now a "local" because when I pop in to the pub at the bottom of the hill in St. Luke's Cross, the bartender pours me the same drink I ordered the first night that I appeared there.  It gives me a warm and cozy feeling to know someone has noticed me.  Some of the regulars have also made conversation and smile when I arrive again. I guess I've been there a half a dozen times by now. Last week I was invited to join some musicians who gather there every couple of weeks.  I couldn't keep up with them on my fiddle - way too fast for me- but I jumped in on every eighth note or so, or else I just hummed along in harmony.  If I can't play an instrument, I can always sing!  There seems to be something going on every night in the city and you don't have to look too far.  Tonight I'm heading down to another pub  (where else?) to meet a walking/hiking group.  They do an outing every second Sunday, and the next is Oct.16.  They all car-pool to the location, do a hike and then meet afterwards for a meal.  Apparently there are different levels depending on the experience of the members on each hike.  I thought it would be a great way to meet people, so I'll keep you posted.

On Monday, Christine had the day off, so we rented a car and headed for Waterford.  The Granville Hotel, pictured here, was a recommended destination for lunch, and I have to say, the atmosphere and the service was incredible.  I felt as if I was someone of extreme importance when I walked in and could envision members of high society dining there regularly.  The decor reminded me of a stately home, lots of carpeted hallways and soft lighting, brass fixtures and dark wood tables.  The Maitre d' was extremely attentive, and at the same time discretely polite.  I had ordered an open face shrimp and salmon sandwich and when it arrived it was not what I had expected.  It was tiny shrimp in a mayo base with what appeared to be tinned salmon mixed in.  No worries.  In no time, I was provided with not just a piece of smoked salmon to satisfy "their error", but a proper dish of smoked salmon wound into flower shapes, with a side salad presented in a lovely half-moon dish, as an apology!  I did go to find the fellow after we finished and shook his hand, saying how impressed I was - after all, it really was my cultural difference that expected something other than what they had listed on the menu.
So, if any of you are in Waterford, please try lunching at the Granville Hotel - you won't be disappointed!

After leaving Waterford, we hugged the coast and reached scenic Tramore in no time.  Here are some shots of the area between there and Youghall, (look it up on the map).


  1. Wow Moira, you really are having a WONDERFUL trip. I am so envious. Just kicking about doing what pleases....enjoying your blog.


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