A few days at Moyglass

I've just spent several days on an idyllic farm near Enniskillen, Northern Ireland.  The Spence family has owned the property, called Moyglass, for generations and even have a web site with lots of photos and information about the plants that grow there. Visit it here: http://moyglass.co.uk/ 

Above is the main house as it looked during my visit, and some of the surrounding scenery..,

 This is Blackie, one of eight cats on the grounds. There are also two dogs,  a few cows and two fairly new calves.
We had a beautiful day for touring on Tuesday, so headed to Monea, and the churchyard where many of the Spence family is buried. Here is a stone that Gill and I began to clean off a couple of days later, before we were driven out by increasing rain.

On to Belleek and a tour of the factory where the famous china is made. We circled back via Drumcliffe and paid a visit to Yeats' grave.

More to follow..,
