In Remembrance

This morning at 11::11am on the 11th Day of the 11th month of the 11th year of the century, I stood at the window and said a silent prayer for all the men, women and children who have suffered due to war in one form or another.  I thought about soldiers who died and those who watched them die. I thought about family members, usually women, left behind as widows or waiting to find out if they might become so.  I thought about the young children, who these days, are forced into battle with threats to their family or their own lives if they disobey, and others who are plain kidnapped into that life.
I thought about how lucky I am. 
I thought about how blessed I am to have a loving family and beautiful children.

The  gale force winds last night had discarded most of the remaining leaves of the trees here.  Now looking out from out suite, the view is like a threadbare carpet; many more peek-a-boo views than before.

It seems to be appropriately bleak for a November day.  Windy, but not too cold; nothing to complain about.
On a lighter note, I thought I'd share a list of the books I've read recently, so here they are in no particular order:
Angels Flight (Michael Connolly - typical murder mystery), Evidence (Jonathan Kellerman - ditto), The Art Thief ( Noah Charney - I bought this in a second hand shop the day I left Kingston for Ireland - a little hard to follow all the characters but not bad for a first novel), Rescue (Anita Shreve- pretty weak), The Dragonfly Pool (Eva Ibbotsen - a young adult novel recommended by Cassandra and a surprisingly good read), Love Potion (Anne Marie Forrest - REALLY BAD), The Body Movers (Stephanie Bond - somewhat reminiscent of Janet Evanovich, so good fun), Everything Beautiful Began After (Simon van Booy - gorgeous prose), The Girl in the Mirror (Sarah Gristwood - a historical fiction loaned to me by Gill) and today for three Euros I picked up a copy of Michael Ondadje's "Divisadero".  I also have one more library book on my table, which is "Love" by Toni Morrison. I feel it's about time I read one of her novels as her name keeps cropping up on 'Best Of' lists.
I'm not sure what's next on my list, but hopefully it will be fulfilling!  Feel free to send me suggestions.


  1. Hiya, we are having the same kind of day. Who is Gill? You have mentioned her/him a few times. A new friend:) ?


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