
 On Saturday, Christine, Cassandra and I drove to Kilkenny to meet two of Christine's second cousins, named Maura and Josephine.  I had planned to make myself scarce as I wanted to check out the famous Langton Hotel and Restaurant, but that's where they had chosen to meet us, so I was delighted.  I was also somewhat disappointed that there were no Langtons working that day - they weren't due until late that evening.  Nevertheless, I enjoyed wandering the grand premises for a while on my own while the others chatted. It has room after room, each done in a different decor, which allows for all sorts of events or functions.  A lot of weddings are held here.

It must be lovely to sit outside on a summer's day.  Here is their homepage if you are interested.

Kilkenny is a lovely city, full of shops and with a gorgeous castle overlooking the River Nore.  Photographs were not permitted inside, but here is a taste from the outside. Again, for more information click here:  You'll get to see the inside, which is far more attractive; some of the rooms are truly amazing!!
