fantastic discovery

With way too much vulnerability to distraction, I found myself roaming around YouTube today and discovered an amazing music video.  After listening to it many times, i sent the link to a friend and thought no more about it, until later, while succumbing to another (favourite) distraction - the Ellen Show - was flabbergasted to see as her musical guest the same band I'd just 'discovered'.  They are called:  "Walk Off The Earth", and by now I have watched and listened to about 20 of their songs.  I may actually have to invest in all their albums, or at least their newest, which I believe comes out at the end of the month.
If you enjoy them too, let me know and maybe let them know.  Here is a link:
If this doesn't work, just go to You Tube and Music.  It should be near the top as it's gone viral.
(It's not actually their song - and then I checked out the artist who wrote it, named Gotye, but that's a whole other story of wonderful music and visuals)
