Greetings for a New Year

Hi Everyone,
I feel sorry that I have let down my few loyal fans, but here I am with another "Blog" finally.
I last mentioned my sojourn to Paris and now it seems as if it is so far away.  It's unbelievable what can transpire in a few short weeks.  I was able to spend a lovely Christmas holiday with my parents, my brother and my sister and to my delight, through the miracle of modern technology, had a chance to speak to my lovely daughters half way around the world in Vietnam on  Christmas Day.  Actually it was Boxing Day for them, but never mind.
They seemed to be having a wonderful adventure and that is the most important component of any vacation.
On the home front, I am learning to cope with life in a different biome.

The sunsets here have been marvellous lately.  More pictures to follow.
