
Here is a little colour from Paris, to liven up a dull January day.  I love these two colours and was delighted to find them together in a store front.

We had a wind storm last night that blew away a lot of snow.  The ice has disappeared and the sun has rediscovered us, at least for today, but it is bitterly cold outside.

I had my first student yesterday! She's a lovely girl in Grade 5, struggling in Math, so I have the pleasure of working with her twice a week (here at my place) to boost her skills.  I also have been in touch with a woman who runs a reading centre here in town
http://www.thereadingclinic.ca/ and I think something will dovetail with that shortly - just a matter of juggling schedules and space.

In the meantime, I'm keeping my head above water and running errands for and with my parents along with meal planning, preparing and sharing.  Who would ever have thought I'd be doing this?!
