Hello again, hello

I have been such a lazy correspondent that I'm sure I have lost whatever small fan base I had accumulated, however, for the remaining few, here is an update.
Now that I am back in Canada I have been adjusting to the weather, the traffic, the shopping and the people. Kingston has had one of the mildest winters on record - and I am stepping up to claim partial responsibility.  Why not!  After all, if I hadn't decided to descend upon this town, who knows what might have happened?  It was the same situation in Cork, while I was there.  They had an unprecedented warm fall and (early) winter.  I don't remember much rain at all, in fact I only had to wear my galoshes once, and that was up north in the farm county of Enniskillen, when I was mucking about in the lanes and hedgerows around the property of my friends the Spences.  Over the years I have honed my technique of packing just about the right amount of clothing and footwear for whatever adventure awaits me.  I managed very well with very little during my sojourn in Ireland and continue to do so here in Kingston.  There have been only a few rather cold days lately, when I feel that I could have done with a pair of gloves or a hat, but really, I have managed quite well with my ear muffs and good deep pockets in my coat and/or jacket.  Of course, now that I think about it, the weekend I spent in Ottawa a few weeks ago, was the coldest I have been in 30 years! Why did I agree to visit friends there in the middle of winter?  Maybe because good friends are special and worth going the extra mile for.  (Please don't judge my sentence construction - I am so conscious of my grammar these days..,)

In a desperate effort to change the subject, here are a few photos to end this lame missive. I hope they either give you pleasure, or shed a little enlightenment.
Dad (on the right) with friend and neighbour, Arnold, who just had a birthday this week.

Mum in a rare photo, and below: Liz, me, Elke, Colin and Wayne at a restaurant in Stittsville (Ottawa) , February 11, 2012
