Did you "Wear the Irish" today?

Happy St. Patrick's Day to One and All.  Here are some snaps I took during my recent visit to the Emerald Isle. ( I still haven't figured out how to properly align the photos and the text so that there is no wasted space.  Can anyone help?)
Here in Kingston, it was remarkably warm for mid-March.  I went out with just a cardigan and a scarf, (with sandals of course).  Each spring, once I have ditched my socks for the months ahead, I always feel a sense of freedom.  Add that to the longer days, and life seems so much brighter and worthwhile.

I spent some time in the garden today, despite my sister's warning that the crocuses and snowdrops need some mulch cover until Spring is over.  I can't wait until the trees and shrubs burst into bloom!
