May Day is here.
Wow.  May.  Already.
I actually was doing some weeding this weekend and trying to rescue a clematis that had been torn away from the fence awhile back during a wind storm.  Surprisingly, there was a fair bit of new growth that had been hiding underneath the tangled mess, so I felt encouraged. The drawback was the chilling wind that had me returning to the indoors far earlier than I would have liked.  Hopefully things will warm up soon, but I have come to realize that one cannot escape the wind here on the shore of Lake Ontario.
Sunday had a friend from High School, Liz, along with Christina and I on an outing to Prince Edward County.  What a lovely part of Ontario.  We took the Glenora ferry (south o Napanee) and drove into Picton, which is the main town on the peninsula.  We lunched at a lovely Inn a few kilometres outside Picton, that Liz had stayed at previously.  Here are some photos:

After lunch we all agreed we needed to visit Sandbanks Provincial Park, which as it turned out, was a terrific decision and one which we all were rejuvenated by.  We walked up, down and across actual sand dunes!!  I took my shoes off and was in heaven.  Did I wade in the lake?  Anyone who knows me, will understand that I find it extremely difficult to pass by a body of water without feeling an urge to be immersed in it - even if it is only up to my ankles.  So, yes,  I waded, with ultimate pleasure, until my feet felt numb; then hopped back to the warm patches of sand.
Time flew at a relaxing pace and by late afternoon we headed back to the ferry and then to Kingston.  That night I slept as soundly as I had when I was in Ireland.

If you haven't yet had the pleasure of exploring this part of Ontario - please find a way to get to the Bay of Quinte and Prince Edward County.  There are TONS of artist studios and many enticing vineyards, most of which offer tours and/or tastings. If those don'e tempt you, the scenery will for sure!
