May Days

This time of year has me wishing there was some sort of temporal pause button; a manner in which I might savour each smell, each budding leaf or flower, each moment of change in the sky and each soft morning and evening, for just a little longer.
Yesterday my sister and I headed to Westport, which is about an hour north of Kingston.  It was about as close as one could get to a perfect day for an outing.  We parked and strolled through various shops, chatting with the proprietresses of each, and learning tidbits about the town and the merchandise they were selling.  One store is the first and only dedicated to selling a clothing line called "Life is Good".

This is the view from the restaurant we stopped at for lunch.  Picture Perfect!

Westport is a lovely town, in which I could imagine myself living; lots of exclusive ladies'  clothing stores, plenty of artisans and gorgeous old homes with lush gardens, many of which back onto the river.  I wonder how it survives in the off season though.  I suppose most idyllic places are similar.  Chester, Mahone Bay, Wolfville, all are of a size that I could handle, but the question is, can I find a way to make a living in any of them?

Here is a tree that reminded me of places I used to play as a child.  It looks as if it has a "Fairy " door, just tantalizing enough for a youngster to explore.
