Today is full of promise.
My sister is here, my brother will be here tonight and one of my daughters will arrive in a few hours by train from Toronto.  I was up early - 6am - wide awake and ready; totally out of character.  By 7:30 I had drunk my fill of tea, eaten breakfast and itching to get on with things, but decided to go for a walk so that I could let Sis sleep.  Even the weather was cooperative; sunny, fresh, with little wind - a blessing here! (It's supposed to get up to 18 degrees later). Down by the lake there were the usual ducks and seagulls scrounging for tidbits.  Last week when I was here, I happened upon a couple being filmed by a friend.  As I slowed my pace, I heard the young man call out loudly, as he kneeled in front of the girl, "Will you marry me?"  That caught the attention of various persons sprinkled throughout the park and I joined in the applause a few moments later after a ring had been placed on the girl's finger followed by a shy nod.  Here they are, moments later:

Now I am enveloped in the delicious aroma of a trayful of warm-from-the-oven Nova Scotia Oat Cakes.  I've been making them for years and the recipe page is yellowed, but still in one piece.  The date at the bottom is 1980.
Well, time to go and greet the pest control man who will decide how we will deal with our "mice" problem.  The treadmill never stops for long around here. 
Happy Mothers' Day to all that fit the bill!!

