
I got into Toronto on Thursday evening, driving from Kingston.  I'll be here for a few days before leaving for Vancouver in order to meet up with all of my daughters and enjoy my youngest's graduation from University.
Yesterday I walked a fair bit - in the morning along Merton St. east and then up Bayview to buy groceries for dinner, and then in the afternoon, down Mt. Pleasant to St. Clair to buy wine.  I chose to return through the Mount Pleasant Cemetery via the ravine and was delighted at the change.  It was so quiet and inviting.  A small creek runs along the bottom of the ravine and the ravine eventually opens up into one end of the cemetary.  I felt very inspired and took a few photos (I'm rarely without my camera!).  Here is the grave of Alexander Mackenzie King, our former Prime Minister.
Toronto seems to have a surprising number of parks and green areas for such a metropolitan centre. In the neighbourhood I'm staying, most home owners seem to take great pride in their gardens, so it's a gorgeously varied stroll no matter the route one takes.
