Vancouver Aquarium

I was astounded yesterday when I attended the Aquarium for the first time in years.  WOW!!
I might have thought I was in a completely different city, for none of what I remembered, (except the tropical section) remained. I suppose I should also include the whale tank, although now it houses dolphins, none of which were observed while we were there.

Just look at these delicate jellyfish;  the word gossamer comes to mind.  Some sort of stingray and a beluga whale amused us.  Although I am not a fan of zoos, or of animals kept in captivity of any sort, I have to admit a satisfaction at watching marine life skirt and swim around in all their various hues as if they are graceful aliens pacing a relentless watery pathway.  There is an absurd contradiction, I realize, in that attitude, and I often puzzle at it.
Perhaps given enough attention one day, I will come to terms with it, but in the meantime I continue to be a mesmerized hypocrite.

In the end, the most fascinating display was that of the butterfly cocoons all in myriad stages of development.  Some were wriggling and squirming about to open, while some had just burst free and were drying their wings;  such a gorgeous transition.                                                                      (Sorry, please scroll down as I haven't figured out how to reposition the photos I'm attaching)
