Garden Party on the Solstice

Today I was 'invited' to attend a Tea Party in the gardens of Government House, (the Lieutenant Governor's home); an annual event, which is open to the public, but not well advertised. It's just as well, because there would be no elbow room otherwise.

The weather cooperated beautifully and music from a harpist filled the air, later followed by a selection of tunes performed by a naval brass ensemble.

There were tables set out at well spaced intervals offering cool drinks, sandwiches, sweets and tea and coffee.  There was a handful of scouts and guides assisting the staff and a few costumed individuals, one of which was the Town Crier who welcomed one and all.  It was lovely to gaze at the bounty of fancy hats and tasteful summer attire worn by the guests.

Toward the end of the afternoon, a short speech was made by the Lieutenant Governor and a bust unveiled of Queen Elizabeth II in honour of her Diamond Jubilee.
