A "got-a-lot-accomplished" day

Sometimes getting a good night's sleep pays off.
Today I:

  • Made my usual cuppa and shoved some yoghurt and berries inside me.  Tea went in car
  • Stopped at "Tim Horton's" to pick up a fresh decaf. for Mum
  • Went to Mum and Dad's to check in for the day's errands
  • Drove Dad to the Audiology Centre to inquire about his faulty hearing aids
  • Popped by the dry cleaners to drop off some shirts of his
  • Picked up some gin at the liquor store
  • Took Dad back home
  • Spoke to the cleaning lady about coming more often
  • Got Mum settled with a hot water bottle for her back pain (over a week now)
  • Answered the door to a neighbour wanting to borrow a ruler
  • Took the garbage down to the basement for them
  • Carried the empty bottles down to the car to return for refund
  • Checked with the building manager about the painting being done in the basement
  • Drove to the grocery store to pick up some veg's and a few other items on the "list'
  • Stopped at Canadian Tire to get the car washed
  • Went to another grocery store to pick up the remainder of items I couldn't get earlier
  • Bought a few cards for upcoming birthday/Fathers' Day
  • (Tried to diagnose a new sound coming from the car during my several outings)
  • Checked my e-mails and replied to all those I needed
  • Made some cut-and-paste adjustments to Dad's memos and photocopied as needed
  • Marinated the pork for dinner (tonight and tomorrow)
  • Returned the bottles for refund
  • Dropped off groceries and photocopies at Mum and Dad's
  • Checked on patio plants - sadly the pansies I planted last month all have aphids
  • Confirmed with them my schedule for tomorrow
  • On the way back I stopped at their previous address and took a photo for the memory bank
  • Prepared two lessons for students this afternoon ( plan, copy, note, assemble, etc.)
  • Came home and tried to notify my bank of a change of address, but had to call as well. (All done now)
  • Paid some bills online
  • Drove to the Reading Clinic to tutor my students
  • Tutored for two hours
  • Came out to the car to notice fresh bird droppings on the back window
  • Returned home via Staples to pick up packing tape (for all the boxes I have packed over the last two evenings)
  • Arrived home and put dinner on to cook
  • Brought in all the empty garbage and recycling cans/boxes
  • Ate
  • Made up a tentative Schedule/ To Do list for the next ten days before I leave
  • Watched Jeopardy ( a regular indulgence)
  • Booked a reservation for dinner at "Luke's Gastronomie" next Saturday (Sister's b'day and Fathers' Day)
  • Tried to decide where to put all the packed items so that I have room to invite the ladies at the Reading Clinic next Monday for tea
  • Began to summarize all the material I have taught my students in preparation for a meeting tomorrow afternoon
And this was a fairly quiet day compared to those when the girls were still living at home.  I actually miss all the running around - I think I'm designed for it.  
