Joy in small miracles


Several months ago, missing my Vancouver garden, I purchased some snapdragon and sweet pea seeds and planted them indoors.  Today after countless weeks of encouragement, the first flower has appeared.  I had to do a double-take, but there it was, tiny, pink and perfect. This isn't the best shot, but window screens are ever present here, so that's life.
When I pan back, you get a better idea of my teeny windowsill plot and makeshift trellis.
The window looks to the rear of the house and flagstone patio. I can't wait to see what colours the next few blooms unfold.  I loved growing sweet peas each year for the heavenly scent.  They grow in such profusion and make delightful posies to grace a tabletop or be bundled together to surprise a friend.
No sign yet of any snapdragons - just green shoots growing very slowly. Maybe they'll fare better at Mum and Dad's on the balcony, where they'll be by the end of June when I vacate this place.
