Catching Up

     I once heard a writer speak about her craft and what she did when she felt stuck.  She said, "Just write something everyday", so here I am today feeling stuck and writing anyway. 
I have been living so fully lately and am so afraid I will forget all the wonderful experiences and people that have come across my path.  Do I keep reaching one day further back, or just start with one moment and let things unfold?
Last Sunday I had finished cleaning the house in preparation for an annual pizza party and the phone rang.  A friend was setting sail shortly and wanted some company - could I be there as soon as possible?  I might have passed the opportunity by, as I hadn't finished moving the last few boxes and was feeling dusty and grubby, but something in her tone spoke that I was not just invited, but needed.
I got to the Armdale Yacht Club about 20 minutes later and found her easily.  She patiently explained my duties in getting the boat out of the dock and what I would have to do upon return. I nodded and hoped that I wouldn't let her down. 
We had an easy sail, though not much wind, up to the RNSYS and back, with me at the tiller.  Although we were out and back in 2 hours, enabled me to get to know her on a different level; to commiserate as one mother to another- building a link. 
Think what I might have missed if I had declined the invitation.
