In the swim again

I headed over to Dartmouth the other day toward Cow Bay.  I was told it would be busy, and it was.  The parked cars appeared about a half of a kilometre before I even caught sight of the beach.  Luckily, my small car was able to tuck into a spot next to a handicapped space and I had a short walk down the boardwalk to the sand.  The water was lovely - everyone here has been saying the ocean is warmer than usual this summer, not that it would bother me much. I'll swim in just about anything.  Here is a view of the beach:
There were loads of sunbathers and a fair number of standing-in-the-water-up-to-the-hips bathers.  This little cutie was more interested in what she could find buried in the sand; unfortunately mostly garbage that kept her mother on her toes chasing after her and re-burying what she uncovered!
