Darling Daughters

I miss this feeling - of wee arms around me tenderly emitting warmth and love.
I am reminded of it each time I speak to my grown daughters.  The time or their youth flew by so rapidly, I wish that I had had a 'pause' button so that I might have been able to linger in the luxurious delight of their embraces, listen to the echoes of their laughter emanating from another room, or just stare into their beautifully expressive faces as they engaged in grand discussions at mealtimes.
Still, I do take pleasure in our chats by phone, Skype, or e-mail, given the distances between us all.

My darlings, you are all such amazing young women now, but if you ever need a hug - even the long-distance kind - know that I am ready and waiting.

p.s.  "Pinch, Punch, First of the Month"
