It's Just Like Riding a Bicycle...

Well, I made it home today on my new-to-me bike. The bike itself has seen better days, but has been refurbished by a group called "Bike Again", which is a non-profit outfit that takes donated bikes and overhauls them to get them roadworthy again.  A good deal for me!  I can also drop in any Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening and get advice, assistance, etc. (Maybe I'll try making a seat cover - the seat is very comfy, just a bit torn).
Here it is:
The make is "Iron Horse", but I hope that doesn't mean it will be heavy, slow or stubborn. The new helmet was under my anticipated budget AND has a rear light that can be set to solid or flashing mode. It also has a little bit of colour just to give it some interest.  (Too bad my name isn't 'Jewel' !)

When I first had the bike put aside, I went to M.E.C. (Mountain Equipment Co-op) and got two snazzy clip on lights for front and rear that come with short USB cords so that the batteries can be recharged on my computer!  Technology sure has changed since I had my last bike, which I think was when I was in high school.  Gee, it's almost embarrassing to think I haven't ridden in that long.Anyway here are some more detailed shots:
The panier is new and the black light is the battery operated one I bought. Yes, I picked up an inexpensive chain lock as well.

The front light is a pretty blue. 
I'll try them (the bike and all it's charms) out tonight around the quiet streets in the neighbourhood. I have no excuses now.., I have to exercise!  All I need is a basket of some sort and I'll be a regular country lass, a-la "Murder She Wrote", ha, ha, ha.
