Happy Thanksgiving to All!

     It seems hard to believe that I'm sitting outside in a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts, basking in the (17 -degree?) warmth of an Indian summer October afternoon. On the water it was quite chilly this morning as I helped a friend and his blind rowing partner get their double into the Northwest Arm, but now in the early afternoon, and in a sheltered spot in the back garden, it's baking hot -- perfect for lazing about.

Thanksgiving was celebrated yesterday chez-nous, with a delicious brined turkey with incredible bread and pine nut stuffing; a casserole of sweet potatoes and carrots; fresh beetroot; roasted potatoes (chopped, buttered and placed on a skillet in the oven for about an hour); then the mandatory pumpkin pie with whipped cream and an additional custard pie.  I'm sure my weight going upstairs to bed was at least 5 pounds heavier than when I descended that morning!!
