Summer is Fallin..,

Yes, it certainly seems as if summer decided to vacate the premises after a balmy Thanksgiving weekend.  I am afraid that for the first time in 25 years, I may actually have to go out and buy a pair of gloves.., I mean really!!!

Still, I have not let the cooler weather shake my resolve to reincarnate myself here in the midst of myriad Maritime moments of mirth and madness. Tomorrow I will take part in my first car rally scavenger hunt!

I have teamed up with a couple, that I haven't met yet, in order to test my/our ability to out-drive, out-wit, out-smart and out-manoeuver our opponents in this fun activity.  We will have 3 to a team; a driver, a navigator and an assistant. The aim is to stop and photograph items, collect items and traverse a set course in the fastest time.  Sounds like loads of fun, right!?

I'll keep you posted.., or at least hanging by a thread until we cross the finish line.

Moira/Driver - Team West Coast Wizards
