Geocaching 101

Yesterday, I joined up with a few members of an online group I found on "", to go geocaching in beautiful Point Pleasant Park. I had had it explained to me several years ago, but never actually gone to find anything.  Well, I have to say my novice run was exciting and brought beginner's luck to me as I located two of the six caches we set out to find.  Thanks for that GPS, Dad!

It wasn't quite this early when we began, (the snapshots were from last week at sunrise and that isn't a special effect; it's mist rising off the water), but it was drizzly.  We were all decked out in rain gear and made for an enthusiastic bunch - half experienced and half first-timers.  The idea is to use GPS coordinates to locate hidden items that others have left.  Usually they will be in a container about the size of a lunch box.  There will be a notepad to record your name and the date you found it.  If you like you can leave a small token, and take one.  In more advanced caches, you might find 'travel bugs' which are trying to make their way around the world to distant destinations.  Read more about it all here:
Today, one month before Christmas, we had our first snow flurries and even though it didn't amount to anything it sure nipped at fingers and noses!
Bye for now.
