What Can I Say?

Where did October go?  
I feel like I have either been glued to this laptop hunting and applying for jobs or at school minding childhood dilemmas, such as: "She won't give me a turn on the swing", "He hit me", "They're not allowed to do that", "Is it time to go out?", "Is it time to go in?",  or the timeless, "I have to go to the bathroom".
I suppose it could always be worse.  

The weather, (always good for a lame segue, when nothing else springs to mind), has turned cold, and except for a miserably wet day yesterday, has remained fairly dry.  As we marshalled and walked the students to the bowling alley on Wednesday, it actually felt good to join them in kicking through all the multicoloured crispy fallen leaves.  (Better that than puddles, for sure!)
  They had a hoot at bowling, some of them for the first time.  I couldn't help cringing when a certain child dropped his ball from waist height whenever it was his turn, and pretended I hadn't read the posted signs that said, "Lobbing is not permitted".  The really little ones had a loud cheering section going for each other, and while we hated to dissuade them, it did get a trifle noisy after awhile, so we had them tone it way down. They were the ones that held the ball between their bent legs and rolled it away from them, watching its ever-so-slow-and-often-wobbly progress down to the far end of the lane.  Their looks of amazement and delight when a pin toppled over was priceless. By the time we left, about an hour and a half later, the entire bowling alley was vacant.  I wonder if that was a coincidence?
