It's Been Awhile...

I've been away in a sense, though not geographically.
Rather, I've just found myself with much to do and even more to think about, yet not in the right space to write, so finally, here I am, back to share.
It's early March and I've discovered a few more tidbits about Life.

In the last several months I've been embracing the most recent chapter of my life in Nova Scotia with it's change of climate, life in search of employment, life as a person at the bottom of the totem pole once again,   life working many jobs into the hours of one week, life managing a shifting workload and a changing job description, life as a tenant in someone else's home, with all the distilled possessions (of my life to date), stuffed into an 8 x 8 x 10 locker, life embracing ever evolving technology such as touch screen apps, online resume submissions and constant cell phone texting, life balancing newly formed friendships and reconnecting ties with dear members of my past, life as a middle-aged mother, sister and daughter,
and..., just life...
in general.
There are myriad dimensions I've omitted, but I'm not out to bore my audience.
Instead, let me launch into Spring mode.
I made an impulsive purchase on my way home from tutoring a student this afternoon.
I picked out a small pot of ivy and a small polka dot plant in a two for one sale at a local grocery store.
I don't quite know why.  I just had to have them.
They sit now on my bedroom windowsill, betwixt the cold coming through the single pane of glass that shakes in the slightest wind and the occasional heat rising from the old radiator nearby.
Those bits of colour in between the pots are a few of my many collected shards of beach glass, which I cannot tear myself away from. I was introduced to the idea of gathering them many years ago from a dear friend and have been addicted ever since.  In fact, I have a little story in the works (in draft form) about a girl who is similarly smitten and searching for a lost parent at the same time.  But that is another story..,
I have felt as if I had my skin peeled off, as if I have emerged into another persona since my arrival in the East.
Maybe it's because this is the last place I have felt at home, but maybe it's because I am finally discovering the ME that was always there, yet buried.
Obviously, there is much more to this story.
Happy Spring Everyone!!
