Coming Full Circle

March 12
What an amazing day this has been!
I have been slowly delving into my new duties at the school during this fairly quiet week of March Break, which have been a real silver lining in the cloud of my new career.
Despite having to have had to step down many levels from what I was used to in Vancouver,  I haven't been dwelling obsessively on it.  The little things don't seem to be bothering me.  I chalk it up to the abundance of blue skies during the winter here. Today I heard many complaints about how miserable the weather was, and that it was so dreary that perhaps we ought to keep the children inside.
Obviously these persons have never spent a winter in Vancouver!
I looked out of the same windows and saw nothing but Spring in full glory.  The temperature was mild, birds were chirping, twigs were bare of snow, the roads were clear.  What could they possibly see that was wrong with the picture?
I realized that it all has to do with 'Perspective'.
We all tend to complain about things we don't have, until we experience true "Not Having".

But back to my day.
I arrived in plenty of time to prepare the morning snack and lunchtime meal for the preschool children and then I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do with my extra time.
As I puttered about the kitchen, I wondered how else I might make a contribution....
but I needn't have been concerned.  The craft idea that I brought in to share seemed to be such a hit with the other helpers that I actually felt confident enough to step back and allow them the space to instruct the children without having to feel that I must take ownership of it and direct it all myself.
As I listened from the sidelines, I believe that I enjoyed the interactions far more than if I had been leading the activity myself.

What does that say, I thought to myself ?
As the morning progressed, I took great pleasure in seeing the projects materialize and at the end, took a couple of photographs to commemorate the occasion.  Seen here are the caterpillars and butterflies against the backdrop of the lunchroom mural, which we may add to this week.
Later in the day, beyond my scheduled shift, I stayed to partake in a session on 'felting' taught by one of our fabulous teachers, who came in specially for the afternoon.
I had been given a small kit of wool samples as a Christmas gift and brought it in to share in the hope that I might learn some of the basics of needle felting, which in turn might launch me into a project of some sort.
Well, it turned out I came away with far more information than I could have hoped for.
I learned about carding and dying wool; about types of wool and uses for each type.  I was able to try wet felting and needle felting and having been offered a needle and a swatch of sweater and a few bits of coloured wool to take home have now made my first creation!
But there is more to my story..,
Tonight, I had a date.
I met a friend that I had gone to school with for two years when were classmates at the Halifax Infirmary many years ago.  Somehow we 'found' each other on 'Linked In' a couple of weeks ago and had arranged to meet for dinner tonight.  Janet suggested Saege, on Spring Garden, which I was delighted to try, as I have walked past it many times, longingly peering in the windows or the patio at the engaged diners, wishing I was one of those partaking in the seemingly perfect ambiance.
Tonight it was Janet and I.
How fantastic!!
From the moment we greeted each other, it was a matter of who could ask and answer questions faster  than the next outburst.  I felt as if almost no time had past since we had last chatted, and felt once more reassured that I had been drawn back to the epitome of my search for a rooted community.
