Summerville in Spring With a Touch of Snow

I had the great fortune to reconnect this weekend with a lovely friend from years ago.  We got in touch last month for dinner and found the time melting away as we reached out physically, mentally, spiritually, and gustatorily over a delicious repast at Saege, in Halifax. We had been classmates at the Halifax Infirmary School for Health Record Administration, then graduates, finding work in the field and eventually losing touch as our woking and married lives moved on, save the annual exchange of Christmas cards.
Fast forward to the present.
Janet invited me to visit for a weekend at her (and John's) eden in Summerville, Nova Scotia.
Well, What a piece of Paradise!

First of all a warm wood stove in the kitchen welcomes visitors... and the rest of the spread, inside and out, speaks nothing but Hospitality!! No wonder she feels that she lives in Paradise.
We went off to the barn for the morning, where I was introduced to her two equine companions; Jacob

- part draught horse, and her newest acquisition, Lucera - a Spanish senorita.  (I may have to be corrected in terms of my terminology) You can read Janet's experiences here at her blog:
Later in the day we stopped by a colleague's farm a hop, skip and a jump away to see the new lambs - born about 5 days earlier. Here is Heather's blog:

Aren't they so cute! There are 34 sheep, I believe, of different ages (and personalities) on their farm.  Aside from sheep, they produce loads of vegetables, some of which I have had the pleasure of purchasing and eating.
Still later on the same day, Jan and I took her 2 adopted greyhounds for a walk down the road to a beach, where to my delight, found it scattered with myriad chunks of gypsum, which has been deposited there due to erosion of the river banks.  I selected an unusual piece to take home to share with the students at the school. On the way back Jan pointed out a signs of beavers and then a couple of small beaver dams..,

We enjoyed a delicious salmon dinner that night and the next day after meeting one of her sons, and his fiancee who will be married on the property at the end of June, I made my exit.
I headed toward Windsor and stopped at a vineyard/winery near Martock ski hill.
Straight home afterwards and arrived home an hour later.

It's great to know that there are so many things to see once out of the city -- and it doesn't take long!!
