Nor-Easter Day

Here I sit, cozily nestled in my new home as the blizzard outside intensifies. I had to get up early in case school was on, but by 07:40 got the message that we would be closed along with most other schools and the universities.
After an hour online, my Internet connection froze.
I felt such a sense of loss, … how would I manage without access to the Web?
I hadn't realized how dependent I had become.
My first task was to contact my provider - Bell Aliant. What was their number??
I ran searching for the piece of paper on which I had written all the important information for my household accounts. It took me ten minutes of hunting everywhere before I remembered I had clipped it to my calendar - almost right under my nose!
Next, I called tech support to be told that the first service call wouldn't be until Saturday morning!!
I did mention that I wasn't happy and that this was the second time in a week that I had had connection problems, but all I received in reply was, "I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do. Can I help you with anything else today? If you have any questions about your bill, you can go online and enquire."
I should have laughed, but I was still so irritated that I rang off as politely as I could muster under the circumstances.
I called a friend and asked if she'd look up the phone number for my local Canadian Tire store.  I thought I would pick up some flashlight batteries in case the power went out, but needed to confirm they would be open due to the storm.
They were open. I quickly went out and by the time I got back the winds had really picked up noticeably, so parked near the end of the driveway and fought my way up to and through my lavender coloured door to the dulcet tunes of baroque music emanating from CBC radio, which I'd left on.

I checked the modem's flashing lights and the one for the Internet was red.  Fearing the worst, I went to my laptop and lo and behold, I was back online! So I promised myself I would post an update to this blog as a sort of Web 'thank-you'.

I do love it here; yesterday as I arrived home I was greeted by a lovely surprise….

The darling was scrounging for bits of grass. Perhaps it knew the storm was coming…..
I'm so glad I remembered to fill the bird feeders and salt the walkway and steps. Guess I'll be getting up early to shovel myself out for work tomorrow! In the meantime, I think a hot drink and a bite of lunch will hit the spot.
Warm thoughts to all my friends and loved ones xoxoxoxoxoxoxo


  1. Wow, you are indeed living a charmed life. No deer in my backyard. Racoons - galore. House looks soooo cozy. I say, get ready for a summer of visitors!


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